Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Dos latinas apuntan a hacer historia en el Congreso de Estados Unidos, resultado de primarias en Texas

(Español) “Es la oportunidad de cambiar 3 congresistas y 1 senador. Hay que salir a votar, e invertir”, afirma Lydia Camarillo. “Aprovechar el coraje y la motivación, la energía que este proceso ha despertado en el electorado” y transformarlo en poder político.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Muestra el Senado falta de apetito para resolver DACA. Mientras, ICE anda suelto

(Español) “DACA es un asunto que debería solucionarse en las instancias políticas y no judiciales… no debe atraerlo la Suprema Corte”: United We Dream“.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Bipartisan Plan for Dreamers Flounders in the Senate

On the final day of debates, several immigration proposals failed in the Senate after Trump threatened to veto any plan that did not meet his requirements. A bipartisan bill failed to obtain the 60 votes needed to pass.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Republicans and Democrats Reach Budget Agreement Without Dream Act

After intense negotiations aiming to avoid a government shutdown, Republican and Democratic leaders in Washington reached a two-year budget agreement that includes increased defense spending and support for domestic programs.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Indígenas buscan presidencia de México para frenar rapiña de gobierno y transnacionales

(Español) “Nosotros estamos en una lucha anticapitalista… no nos vamos a sumar a ningún partido político. Nuestra tarea sigue, no para con las elecciones.

Posted in Noticiero Latino |

Dreamers Caught in the Middle of Heated Pre-election Debate

A budget agreement reached by Democrats and Republicans in the Senate that would keep the government open through February 8th has emboldened Republicans, divided Democrats and left young Dreamers confused and frustrated.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Clock Ticking on Federal Spending. Also, Award-Winning Journalist.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 PROGRAM # 8251 12:00 PM PT Clock Ticking on Federal Spending. With only a few legislative days, senators from both parties work against the clock to reach agreement on DACA and avoid a new government shutdown. Meantime, Latino leaders step up pressure on Congress and the White House to call a vote […]

Posted in Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Llama California a Kris Kobach a rendir cuentas tras haber solicitado información adicional de padrón electoral

(Español) Todo es especulación porque no han revelado nada, pero si están desglosando las líneas raciales y étnicas”, dijo Dunlap, indiquen “¿por qué están guardando esta información como perros hambrientos acorralados en una trampa?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Siguen intensas negociaciones ante posible cierre de gobierno

Intense Negotiations Continue Amid Possible Government Shutdown – On the eve of the deadline to approve a government spending bill, an agreement between the White House and Republicans and Democrats in Congress remains uncertain. Hardline Republicans insist on billions in funding for a border wall, and no agreement has been reached to resolve the DACA crisis.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Crónica de un fraude anunciado, o lo que es lo mismo, la galopante supresión de votantes

(Español) Fue la resistencia de los estados y de los tribunales la que hizo finalmene descarrilar a este tren…. ¿Qué se espera que hagan los federales de ICE, de veras tomarán medidas?

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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