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California Says It Can No Longer Afford Aid for Covid Testing, Vaccinations for Migrants

“Now’s the time for the state of California to double down on supporting those individuals that are seeking relief from immigration detention,” said Pedro Rios, who directs the U.S.-Mexico border program at the American Friends Service Committee, which advocates on behalf of immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*As Republican Presidential Campaign Kicks Off, How are Latinos Responding?
*California Native Americans and Farm Workers Unite on Water and Land
*The US-Mexico Border Treaty 175 Years Later: What Is its Significance Today?

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 PROGRAM # 9881 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. After announcing that almost one million immigrants became US citizens in the last fiscal year, the federal government is proposing a naturalization fee increase. An immigration lawyer comments on the proposed fee increases, how to get fee waivers or reduced fees, and answers listeners’ […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Roundup of Headline News in 2022

Latino voters proved decisive in the crucial November midterm elections. Some Latino candidates made history by becoming the first in their regions to hold congressional seats. Meanwhile, in the face of increasingly frequent and devastating disasters, President Biden signed the largest climate investment initiative in U.S. history.

Posted in Economy, Education, Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Environment, Mexico, Politics, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 9825 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Due in part to the Covid pandemic, lengthy backlogs in the renewal applications have caused long delays on green card extensions. What is the federal government doing to expedite the application process? How are these delays impacting the plans of many residents to travel […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Gobernador de FL enfrenta a Ian y a una cadena demandas por envio de migrantes

(Español) Y el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom también instó al Departamento de Justicia a investigar los esfuerzos de transporte de los estados, incluida la cuestión de si los migrantes han sido atacados debido a su origen nacional, en violación de la cláusula de protección igualitaria de la Enmienda 14

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 9744 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Biden administration announced a new “public charge” regulation that includes critical protections to secure immigrant families’ access to health care and social services. What are those protections? An immigrant advocate  from Denver explains the new federal rule and dispels the fears. She also […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Brindan cobertura de salud a mujeres embarazadas y a niños sin estatus migratorio

(Español) Esta ley va a funcionar conjuntamente con la cobertura que viene a través del sistema de Medicaid en 2025, “pero vamos a poder ampliar la población que puede calificar para la asistencia que empieza este año”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics, Health |

(Español) Se nivela, por ahora, el escenario político para Biden y los demócratas

(Español) Biden y los demócratas han acumulado algunos puntos políticos, aunque queda por ver si los votantes lo recuerdan cuando acudan a las urnas en noviembre, pues en términos electorales tres meses son un mundo y cualquier cosa puede suceder.

Posted in Economy, Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 PROGRAM # 9709 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. Reporting tens of deaths and a number of racial profiling cases in connection with Operation Lone Star, congress members and civil rights groups ask the federal government to intervene in Texas. Meantime, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has bused 6,500 migrants to Washington, forcing the […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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