Search Results for: huelga de hambre

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 PROGRAM # 8132 12:00 PM PST. Immigration Edition. Just days before the ultimatum issued by conservative states to end DACA, and on the fifth anniversary of the first applications for the program, immigrant youth and supporters march outside the White House urging protective action. Also, a civil rights advocate comments on the […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JUNE 20 PROGRAM # 8092 12:00 PM PST. Immigration Edition. The Trump administration rescinded the DAPA executive order and kept DACA in place, maintaining the limbo faced by Dreamers; ICE’s director warned that his agency is targeting all undocumented immigrants, “we shouldn’t wait for them to become a criminal;” the Trump administration recalibrates its […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Nevada’s “Medicaid for All.” Also, Immigrant Detainees Continue Fasting.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14 PROGRAM # 8088 12:00 PM PST. Nevada’s “Medicaid for All.” Nevada’s legislature passed an ambitious bill known as Nevada Care Plan, which would allow anyone without health insurance to buy into the state’s Medicaid, the public health care plan for the poor. This is the first bill in the country to expand […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

May Day Rallies: Countdown.

TUESDAY, APRIL 25 PROGRAM # 8049 12:00 PM PST. May Day Rallies: Countdown. Tens of thousands are expected to hit the streets around the nation on the largest May Day rallies since 2006. A broad coalition of labor, immigrant rights and human rights groups are calling to walkout and demonstrate opposition to Washington’s immigrant-bashing rhetoric. […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Challenging the Politics of Fear.

MONDAY, APRIL 17 PROGRAM # 8043 12:00 PM PST. Challenging the Politics of Fear. A group of activists is in a journey from California to Texas to fight fear and terror, making a stop at the San Diego border wall and the Los Angeles Sheriff office. And hundreds of immigrants incarcerated at a detention center […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

New Yorkers March for Disappeared Students

This week marks two years since 43 teacher’s college students in Mexico disappeared after being attacked by police. To mark the occasion, in Mexico and in several cities in the United States, protests were organized to demand an in-depth investigation and punishment for those responsible.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

(Español) Marchan en NY en el 2do aniversario de la desaparición forzada de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa

(Español) Así mismo, en el arranque de la marcha por el Bajo Manhattan y en cada una de las parada se nombraron los 43 nombres completos de los estudiantes desaparecidos de Ahyotzinapa, o bien se contó del 1 al 43.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

(Español) En Nueva York marchan por segundo aniversario de la desaparición forzada de los 43 de Aytozinapa

(Español) Este lunes 26 de septiembre los autores de la desaparición forzada de 43 estudiantes de la escuela rural de Atyotzinapa, al igual que sus encubridores en los tres niveles de gobierno, Federal, estatal y municipal, cumplen dos años de impunidad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 PROGRAM # 7863 12:00 PM PST. Immigration Edition. Immigrant mothers detained in a family detention facility near Philadelphia are partially suspending today their two-week-long hunger strike – a fasting mother speaks from inside the detention center. Photos just released to the public in Arizona reveal that Border Patrol holds immigrants—among them mothers […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Desde Seattle, Nestora Salgado refrenda la necesidad de liberar a los presos políticos

(Español) La Comandanta dijo no saber todavía si buscará que el gobierno repare los daños causados en su persona, y refrendó su compromiso con la liberación de los presos políticos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico |

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