Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Las elecciones intermedias de 2018 se resisten a concluir

(Español) Utilizando términos severos para cuestionar el compromiso de los republicanos con la comunidad latina, María Ruiz, de 19 años de edad y quién votaría por primera vez en la pasada elección, por Harder, dijo a a McClatchy: “Creo que los republicanos son racistas”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Holding Up The Mirror.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 8478 12:00 PM PT Holding Up The Mirror. Civil rights advocates and historians meet in San Antonio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landmark hearings of the US Commission on Civil Rights on critical issues facing Mexican Americans in the Southwest. Today’s leaders will revisit the issues examined half […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) La ‘ola azul’ se acerca des-pa-ci-to

(Español) El balance en el Senado es de 51 escaños republicanos y 46 demócratas; hay 3 contiendas sin definirse: Florida, Arizona y una segunda vuelta en Mississippi; 372 escaños legislativos estatales pasaron de manos republicanas a demócratas, quienes sumaron 7 gubernaturas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Democrats Regain Control of House Amid Historically High Voter Turnout

In a strong but expected setback for President Trump, Democrats regained a majority in the House of Representatives in an election that went down in history for its record high rate of voter turnout.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Election Day: Results. Hour 2.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 8472 12:00 PM PT Election Day: Results. Hour 2. Correspondents give news on the results from competitive House and Senate races. They also bring results on key contests for state governors, ballot initiatives in Florida, Oregon, California and other states, as well as the outlook in new Latino-majority districts. Was […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Day: Results. Hour 1.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 8471 11:00 AM PT Election Day: Results. Hour 1. Correspondents give news on the results from competitive House and Senate races. They also bring results on key contests for state governors, ballot initiatives in Florida, Oregon, California and other states, as well as the outlook in new Latino-majority districts. Was […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Eve. Hour 2.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 PROGRAM # 8465 12:00 PM PT Election Eve. Hour 2. In the final countdown to the opening of the polls, top analysts join this expanded edition to give an overview on key battlegrounds in this midterm election, including House, Senate and state races. Voters surveyed by Línea Abierta also react to recent […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ordena corte a secretario Kemp desbloquear 3 mil boletas “pendientes” de votantes en GA

(Español) Por segunda ocasión, “el 24 de octubre, el tribunal dictaminó que los condados de Georgia no podían deshacerse de las boletas de votación en ausencia porque la firma en la boleta no coincidía con el formulario de registro de votantes”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) En distritos de California pelea por el control del Congreso

(Español) “Los ataque contra nuestra comunidad y las familias trabajadoras ha encendido un fuego que no se había visto en mucho tiempo”. Hay mucha energía y ánimo para participar en esta elección.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Trump Closes Campaigning with Attack on Immigration, Democrats Respond by Getting out the Vote
*In Texas, Early Voting Exceeds Total Voter Turnout in Last Midterm Elections
*Fight to Control Congress Grips California

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

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