Search Results for: voto latino

Republican National Convention: Day 3.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 PROGRAM # 8987 11:00 AM PT Republican National Convention: Day 3. Today, Vice President Mike Pence accepts his renomination for vice president. This program features excerpts of speeches from the previous night, including Lt. Gov. Jeanette Núñez and First Lady Melania Trump. A leading Republican analyst shares her views on the use […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Republican National Convention: Day 1.

MONDAY, AUGUST 24 PROGRAM # 8984 12:00 PM PT Republican National Convention: Day 1. Republicans gather today in Charlotte, NC, in the first of four nights of virtual sessions, to officially renominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. Under the slogan “Honoring the Great American Story,” the convention begins with an in-person meeting, where delegates […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

No Deal Yet on Relief Package

While the White House and Senate Democratic leaders managed to get closer on some positions, they failed to reconcile key differences on the amount of the relief package.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Heated Debate on Economic Stimulus Package Continues in Senate

Just one week ahead of August recess, the Senate has yet to reach an agreement on the fifth economic stimulus package.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature |

Trump’s Order to Exclude Undocumented Immigrants from Census Challenged in Court

President Trump has signed an executive order seeking to exclude undocumented immigrants from the census count, which determines how many seats each state gets in Congress.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Trump’s Promise To Legalize “Dreamers” Met with Scepticism
*Call for Shorter Hospital Wait Times to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus
*Proposal to Stop Gang Violence Emphasizes Counseling Instead of Guns

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Consejos en vez de armas, proponen para abatir la violencia de pandillas

(Español) “Van a tener un incentivo más grande para no regresar a estos malos pasos que andaban entonces”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth |

(Español) Con escepticismo reciben promesa de Trump de legalizar a “Soñadores”

(Español) “Yo lo veo como una movida política. Lastimosamente el programa DACA y las personas del programa se han convertido en piezas de ajedrez político, como fue también con Obama”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Suprema Corte sostiene que DACA debe continuar

Supreme Court Rules DACA Must Continue. With a surprising vote in favor by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court upheld the DACA program, deeming President Trump’s attempt to cancel it “arbitrary and capricious.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

(Español) Los Dreamers se quedan

(Español) “Este fallo de DACA plasma la importancia de la elección de noviembre. Ante la ausencia de una solución legislativa permanente para los Dreamers, que es muy improbable que se consiga este año, Trump seguirá rondando a su presa e insistirá en atacarlos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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