Slum Housing.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 14
PROGRAM # 7835 12:00 PM PT

Slum Housing.

Thousands of people live in dilapidated, unhealthy and unsafe apartment complexes in Fresno, one of the poorest cities in the nation. Many don’t report that they live without heat, hot water or roach infestation for fear of being evicted or deported. And, according to a journalistic investigation, the local system favors landlords and has failed to enforce the housing code and protect the most vulnerable residents. A reporter, tenants and low-income housing advocates join this program to discuss what’s being done to combat slum housing.

Guests: Andrea Castillo, Reporter, The Fresno Bee, Fresno, CA; Kathy Ayala, Community Correspondent, No More Slumlords, Fresno, CA; Attorney Leah Simon-Weisberg, Legal Director, Tenants Together, San Francisco, CA; Sara, tenant and member of No More Slumlords.


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