“Housing for the Harvest.”

Wednesday_673x324 11WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
PROGRAM #9007 11:00 AM PT

“Housing for the Harvest.”

The counties of Fresno and San Joaquin are the first to participate in “Housing for the Harvest,” a new program announced to provide temporary hotel housing for farm and food-processing workers to self-isolate if they are Covid-19 positive and do not require hospitalization. Community organizations are also helping with meals, wellness checks and interpretation, among other services. The program will eventually be made available statewide. Top representatives from leading agencies in those counties talk about the implementation of the initiative. On other news: civil and political leaders call on California Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign the California Farm Worker Covid-19 Package, a first of its kind bill in the nation. Latino communities in rural areas are among the hardest hit by the pandemic and the bill extends benefits of workers compensation, telehealth, emergency housing, and access to Covid testing for farm workers in need.

Guests: Elizabeth Jonasson, Strategy and Communications, Fresno EOC, Fresno, CA; Elvira Ramirez, Executive Director, Catholic Charities Diocese of Stockton, Stockton, CA; Irene de Barraicua, Public Relations Manager, Lideres Campesinas, Sacramento, CA

Photo: beyondchron.org 

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