Booster Shots for All Adults.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 9441 12:00 PM PDT

Booster Shots for All Adults.

In New Mexico, more than in any other state, hospitales are overwhelmed because of a recent surge of coronavirus. Colorado hospitals report a similar crisis. Its hospitales are nearly full with Covid cases. In response, Colorado has approved vaccine boosters for all adults. In Fresno County in California, ambulances only respond to medical emergencies after a recent surge of coronavirus infections. State health officials are encouraging everyone to get booster shots before the holidays. In another topic, experts are suggesting vaccine requirements and mandates for public settings to show proof of vaccination when entering movie theaters, concerts, airports, and other public places, and domestic flights. A medical expert shares advice for families that are planning to gather for the holidays on how to protect the unvaccinated and for diabetic patients who are forgoing treatment because of fears to the pandemic.

Guests: Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Medical Director, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles, CA; Emily Cervantes, Program Manager, Public Policy Research and Analysis, Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization -CLLARO, Denver, CO; Vicky Lee-Garza, Lead Resource Navigator, Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization -CLLARO, Denver, CO; Dr. Laura Parajón, Deputy Cabinet Secretary of Health, New Mexico Department of Health, Alburquerque, NM. 


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