Controversial Pesticide Use in Question.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26
PROGRAM # 8507 12:00 PM PT

Controversial Pesticide Use in Question.

California is moving a step closer to declaring the insecticide chlorpyrifos a toxic air contaminant, a chemical which may lead to serious illness or death. State authorities are calling on growers to use alternative pesticides. Last year, a group of farm workers fell ill after being exposed to chlorpyrifos in a field near Bakersfield one month after the pesticide was cleared by the Trump administration. Meantime, the produce companies that were implicated in the mass poisoning of field workers received significantly reduced fines for the pesticide drift and, on other matter, the Trump administration appeals efforts in court to ban the pesticide. Farmworker advocates close to this case demand bolder action and an immediate ban from the state of California.

Guests: Byanka Santoyo, Community Organizer, Center for Race, Poverty and the Environment, Bakersfield, CA; Listeners Comment on Need to Regulate: Mario, Bakersfield; Antonia Guerrero, Bakersfield, Luis Sierra, Bakersfield, Eloy Rosales, Bakersfield, Alfonso Romero, Delano, CA.


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