A Healthy Smile. Fighting Tooth Decay. Anti-Latino Mass Shooting.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 5
PROGRAM # 8665 12:00 PM PT

A Healthy Smile.

Adults are getting orthodontic treatment in record numbers. But experts warn that before spending money in major dental work, you should get good orthodontics advice first. An orthodontist talks about this and about the impact of oral health and a good smile on general health and about the problems with crooked teeth and misaligned bites.

Guest: Dr. Ana Castilla, Orthodontist, Author of the Book “Smile of Your Life: Everything You Need to Know for Your Orthodontic Journey,” Salem, Oregon.

Fighting Tooth Decay. California has improved Denti-Cal or Medi-Cal Dental, the dental program of the Medi-Cal health system for the low income, and under the slogan “SmileCalifornia” has launched campaigns to fight tooth decay in children. But many don’t know about it and few are going to the dentist’s chair. What are the new benefits of Medi-Cal Dental? Are there enough dentists for the new patients?

Guest: Verónica Arciga Barriga, Project Coordinator, Oral Health and Health Access, Visión y Compromiso Promotora Network, Los Angeles, CA.

Anti-Latino Mass Shooting. 22 people were killed and two dozen injured after a white man opened fire with an assault rifle at a shopping mall in El Paso. The massacre was declared an act of domestic terrorism. Hours later, nine people died in a similar tragedy in Dayton. Mexico is planning to sue and protect its nationals against white supremacist terrorism. After a long silence, and a public outcry for gun control and against presidential racist rhetoric, Trump spoke and blamed “a culture that glorifies violence” and mental illnesses.

Guests: (Sound Bites) Marcelo Ebrard, Foreign Affairs Minister, México, Ciudad de México; Donald Trump, US President, Washington, DC

Photo: Oral Health Foundation/Facebook

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