A Year of Covid.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, MARCH 18
PROGRAM # 9200 12:00 PM PST

A Year of Covid.

In March 2020, the WHO declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. Since then, the US has lost more than 530,000 and California more than 55,000 to the virus, with Latinos among the hardest hit. In this collaboration with California’s Department of Public Health, experts talk about infection and testing rates among essential workers, travel guidance in anticipation of Spring Break, facts about the new one-shot vaccine and its effectiveness against the new variants, new findings about the “long haulers,” and more. Additionally, a nurse reports on how her team was able to find a Covid-19 cluster of almost 40 farmworkers who were reluctant to take the test because of immigration fears.

Finally, a news reporter talks about how California is playing catch up after initially leaving behind  farm workers and other communities of color that are the hardest hit by the pandemic in the vaccination plans. California is now deploying mobile clinics and community outreach workers into hard-hit rural counties (Read the complete story here).

Guests: Dr. Verónica Ramírez, MLK Jr Community Hospital, Los Angeles, CA; Irene de Barraicua, Public Relations Manager, Líderes Campesinas, Sacramento, CA; Dr. Margarita Loeza, Chief Medical Information Officer, Venice Family Clinic, Board Member Latinx Physicians of California, Los Angeles, CA; Nadia Lopez, Latino Communities Reporter, The Fresno Bee, Fresno, CA; Sandra Portillo, Nurse, Arroyo Grande, CA.

Photo: cdc.gov/osfhealthcare.org/district4health.org

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