Covid-19 Pandemic Update.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 27
PROGRAM # 8956 12:00 PM PT

Covid-19 Pandemic Update.

The coronavirus pandemic in the US is still on the rise, with more than 4 million cases and daily deaths at the highest level in months. California is now the state with the most Covid-19 cases in the nation, surpassing New York, and Latinos and essential workers are dying at the highest rates. A state legislator in rural Central Valley challenged officials of a major county to respond to the crisis in an emergency mode and urgently invest federal and state relief funds in protection measures in order to prevent more outbreaks in the farm working community. On the other hand, Florida became the second state in surpassing New York as a state with more coronavirus cases. Farmworker advocates report from the epicenter of the epicenter of the pandemic about the support provided by medical and civil organizations to help farmworkers in the absence of federal, state or agribusiness aid or hospital beds.

Guests: Ruben Tapia, News Reporter, Radio Bilingüe, Los Angeles, CA; Gerardo Reyes, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL; Nelly Rodríguez, Organizer, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL.


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