“The Labor of Lunch”. Also, Castro Endorses Warren in Presidential Race.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 6
PROGRAM # 8775 12:00 PM PT

“The Labor of Lunch.”

A social researcher examines the takeover by Big Food of the school cafeterias and how school meals are becoming a cheap commodity, made out of fast, junk food. To reform the national school lunch system, she suggests to begin by revaluing the work done by lunch ladies in public schools, give them jobs with more hours and pay so that they can cook with locally-grown products in an effort to give better food and care for children. She also comments on “lunch-shaming” policies against kids who owe money at school and new legislation introduced in Congress to give free meals for all public school students.

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Gaddis, Professor, Department of Civil Society and Community Studies, School of Human Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Author of “The Labor of Lunch,” Madison, WI.

Castro Endorses Warren in Presidential Race. Days after ending his campaign for president and weeks ahead of the first primary votes, Julián Castro endorsed Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president, amid talks about a progressive-oriented Warren-Castro ticket.

Guest: (Audio Recorded Announcement) Julián Castro, Former US Presidential Candidate, Former US Secretary of Housing, Former Mayor of San Antonio, TX.

Photo: bipartisanpolicy.org

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