Migrant Health. Also, My Health LA.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 5.
PROGRAM # 7623 12:00 PM PT

Migrant Health.

About half of non-citizen immigrants from Latin America are left out of the US health care system, with most living in poverty and many suffering from diabetes. A detailed report on this issue is being issued at a bi-national forum on migrant health today in San Francisco, event that kicks off a week of activities to reach out to underserved Latinos around the US. Top officials talk about the efforts to stem the epidemic of obesity and diabetes and the new opportunities to provide health coverage for migrants.

Also, My Health LA. An initiative to provide free health care to all residents in Los Angeles, turns one year this week, giving coverage to other uninsured Angelinos.

Guests: Dr. Xóchitl Castañeda, Director, Health Initiative of the Americas, UC Berkeley; Dr. Mercedes Juan, Secretary of Health, Mexico; Steven Wallace, Chair and Professor, School of Public Health, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Alejandra Reyes miranda, Deputy Director, Socioeconomic Studies and International Migration, Consejo Nacional de Población, Mexico City; Hilda Solís, Supervisor, County of Los Angeles; Rogelia Gutiérrez, Denisse Villalvazo, Users of My Health LA, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: binationalweekusamexico.org

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