Health Care and Tax Relief.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 14
PROGRAM # 8359 12:00 PM PT

Health Care and Tax Relief.

In the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration urges the courts to end the Obamacare rule that requires insurers to provide coverage for the sick, claiming protections for preexisting conditions are unconstitutional. Texas and several Republican states are suing to strike down the individual mandate and the entire law. On other topic, community advocates in California are urging Sacramento to extend the state Earned Income Tax Credit to low-income families of undocumented workers. And civil rights lawyers call on the US Congress to stop the Trump administration’s attempts to insert a citizenship question in the 2020 Census.

Guests: Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition, Los Angeles, CA; David Campos, Deputy County Executive, County of Santa Clara, San Jose, CA; Gina Da Silva, Government Affairs Director, California Immigrant Policy Center, Sacramento, CA.


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