Health Coverage for Immigrants.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 8210 12:00 PM PST.

Health Coverage for Immigrants.

Coinciding with the start of ACA’s Open Enrollment season, and in a new effort to reach the non citizens, a large healthcare organization is expanding health coverage for uninsured, low-income young adults in an impoverished region of California’s Central Valley. Under the new program, a first of its kind, the insurance plan provides free of charge healthcare to those between 19 and 25 years old, regardless of immigration status. While California has hit record high numbers of uninsured people, thousands are still unable to access healthcare. Who’s eligible? What benefits are available? How to apply?

Guests: Evelyn Navarro, Public Relations Representative, Kaiser Permanente, San Leandro, CA; Nora Cruz, Enrollment Counselor, Fresno Healthy Communities Access Partners, Fresno, CA.


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