Latino Doctors Critically Needed. Also, Referendum on Health Care.

Wednesday_673x324 (3)WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19
PROGRAM # 7906 12:00 PM PT

Latino Doctors Critically Needed.

While more Latinos than ever are getting health insurance in California and many are in critical need of care for their chronic diseases, the system is not prepared to help them. There are not enough Latino physicians to serve this growing population. What are medical schools and policymakers doing to deal with this critical shortage of Latino doctors?

Guests: Assemblyman Joaquin Arámbula, MD, D-Fresno (TBC), Dr. Silvia Diego, Family Doctor, member, Latino Physicians of California, Modesto, CA.

Referendum on Health Care. Three propositions on the November ballot in California could bring billions of dollars for Medi-Cal, the health care program for the poor and the children. They are Propositions 52, 55 and 56. This is a report and analysis on those initiatives.

Guests: Araceli Martinez, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Nancy M. Gomez, Organizing Director, Health Access, Glendale, CA.


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