PROGRAM # 8747 12:00 PM PT
Homeless Sanctuary.
San Francisco has the highest rents of any major US city and the evictions rates are on the rise. In response to the housing crisis and to care for the growing homeless population, a local organization reaches out to homeless residents to provide daytime shelter, and medical and mental health services. Most homeless are working poor, disabled workers, and families who have lost their housing, many of whom are reluctant to seek help, feeling shame and embarrassed, and carry with them severe cases of depression and risk of suicide. Shelter workers and homeless people share their story.
Guests: Ruth Nuñez, Director of Services, Mission Neighborhood Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; Carlos Guerra, Medical Services Promoter, Mission Neighborhood Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; Ricardo Nubal, Manager of Services, Mission Neighborhood Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; Juanita Martínez, José Martínez and Gamaliel Hernández Gutiérrez-Miroshka, Sheltered Homeless Persons, San Francisco, CA.
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