Health for All: Round Two.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 18.
PROGRAM # 7523 12:00 PM PT

Health for All: Round Two.

The Health for All Act, a bill reintroduced this year by Sen. Ricardo Lara in an effort to extend health care coverage to immigrants who were left out of ACA, is on hold. A review on its costs has placed the bill on the suspense file. Supporters from around the state gather today urging senators to move the bill to a full Senate vote. Is there political will in Sacramento to pass the bill this time?

Guests: Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-LA, Author of SB4 – Health for All Act, Sacramento, CA; Nancy Marisa Gómez, Southern California Program Director, Health Access, Los Angeles; Melina Ramírez, Undocumented and Uninsured Worker, Los Angeles, CA.


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