Oregon’s Health for All Kids. Also, Battle Over Single-Payer Healthcare.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 26
PROGRAM # 8118 12:00 PM PST.

Oregon’s Health for All Kids.

Oregon is about to have health care for all children. Under a plan passed by the legislature and championed by Gov. Kate Brown, health insurance will be extended to undocumented children under the state’s version of Medicaid. A co-sponsoring legislator, who grew up in an uninsured migrant family, discusses the bill.

Guest: Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon, D-Woodburn-Salem, Woodburn, OR; Alberto Moreno, Executive Director, Oregon Latino Health Coalition, Portland, OR.

Battle Over Single-Payer Healthcare. As Republicans in the US Senate fail to pass legislation to end ACA, an effort to create a universal health-care plan gains steam around the nation. In California, a single-payer bill passed by the state Senate was shelved by the leader of the Assembly, while proponents rump up the campaign to reform the system. Guest analysts also comment on the latest Republican attempts in the Senate to repeal Obamacare.

Guests: Michelle Doty Cabrera, Healthcare & Research Director, SEIU California, Sacramento, CA; Mari López, Organizer, Healthy California campaign, California Nurses Association, Los Angeles, CA .

Photo: publicnewsservice.org

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