Health for All. Also, Medicare: Budget Battles.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8.
PROGRAM # 7495 12:00 PM PT

Health for All.

Leaders of the California legislature unveiled a package of bills that would dramatically expand protections for the undocumented and confirm the state as a national leader on immigration policy. The bills include SB4, a proposal spearheaded by Sen. Ricardo Lara that would expand state-subsidized health care to low-income undocumented residents. The bill would also allow the undocumented to enroll in ACA’s health insurance market exchange. A coalition of health, immigrant and community advocates are escalating their actions in support of this legislation. Two advocates join a discussion on this bill.

Guests: Carolina Gamero, Communications Associate, California Health Professional Student Alliance, Physicians for a National Health Program, Los Angeles, CA; Lorenzo Gonzalez, Medical Student, San Diego, CA.

Also, Medicare: Budget Battles. The US government announced an increase in payments to health insurers that operate Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly. The increase follows a heated debate between those who oppose the federal cuts warning that they would cut benefits for millions of seniors, and those who say that health insurance companies are racking up billions of dollars in overcharges to Medicare. In this conversation, an influential Republican leader also comments on Republican plans to undo the Affordable Care Act and dramatically cutback the budget for Medicaid.

Guest: Hector Barreto Jr, President, The Latino Coalition, Irvine, CA.

Photo: Alex Proimos/Flickr

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