Resisting the Threats to Health Access. Also, Terror in Charlottesville.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 14
PROGRAM # 8131 12:00 PM PST.

Resisting the Threats to Health Access.

As President Trump and hard-line Republicans continue efforts to repeal Obamacare, most people in the US want administrators to make the health law work. An analyst comments on the news and address concerns for those insured on the Exchange. Other developments include a Senate bill to allow people 55 and older to buy Medicare coverage, and the continuing and reenergized push in California for a single-payer health plan.

Guests: Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Los Angeles, CA.

Terror in Charlottesville. Hundreds of “alt-right” neo-Nazis and KKK members marched in Charlottesville in what’s called “the largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades,” followed by a letal terror attack committed by a white supremacist. After two long days of silence, President Trump condemned the violence, while civil rights leaders say his rhetoric gave hate groups permission to kill.

Guest: Alex Nogales, Executive Director, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Los Angeles, CA


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