Recognizing Suicide Risk.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 11
PROGRAM # 8356 12:00 PM PT

Recognizing Suicide Risk.

The suicide deaths of chef and TV celebrity Anthony Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade have catapulted this public health crisis to the nation’s headlines. Suicide behaviors have increased among Latinos, especially female teens. Experts comment on the case of the recent suicide of the famous public figures, on signals to identify those at highest risk and provide practical information about crisis counseling services and other recommendations.

Guest: Dr. Elia Acevedo-Díaz, Psychiatrist, Clinical Research Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Bethesda, MD; Dr. Ana Nogales, Clinical Psychologist, Founder of Nogales Psychological Counseling, Inc and Casa de la Familia, Los Angeles, CA.


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