Puerto Rico Defaults on Debt. Also, Diverse Mexican Genetics.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, AUGUST 13.
PROGRAM # 7586 12:00 PM PT

Puerto Rico Defaults on Debt.

Puerto Rico missed a payment on its massive debt for the first time in history. The governor of the island has called the debt unpayable and is calling for a debt moratorium. Some compare Puerto Rico’s debt crisis to the ones in Detroit or Greece. Efforts in Congress to let Puerto Rico file for bankruptcy have gone nowhere. What’s the impact on ordinary citizens?

Guest: Ed Morales, Journalist, Former Professor at Columbia University, New York, NY.

Also, Diverse Mexican Genetics. In the most comprehensive study of its kind, renowned scientists found that Mexico’s indigenous and mestizo populations are more genetically diverse than expected, and each region of the country continues reflecting the genetic traits of the local indigenous population. These findings may impact the medical field and could be especially useful to diagnose propensity to disease or prescribe medical treatments.

Guests: Dr. Carlos Bustamante, Professor, Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Co-Founding Director, Stanford Center for Computational, Human, and Evolutionary Genomics; Dr. Andres Moreno Estrada, Researcher, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine; Co-authors of the Study.

Photo: wnyc.org

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