Tax Reform Bills. Also, Open Enrollment and Politics.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22
PROGRAM # 8205 12:00 PM PST.

Tax Reform Bills.

The House Republicans have passed a tax-cut bill. The Senate Republicans are working on their own tax-reform version. While the White House says the tax giveaway to the big corporations will create new jobs and higher income for the working class, a political analyst warns about a serious hit against the Latino and immigrant family. What’s in the two tax plans?

Guest: Rafael Collazo, Director of Political Campaigns, UnidosUS, Philadelphia, PA

Open Enrollment and Politics. Republicans are including a repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate as part of the Senate’s tax bill. What would the repeal do to the healthcare system? Also, sign up time under the federal market exchange is shorter and millions are rushing to compare plans and update their application. In two weeks of open enrollment, sign ups have significantly surpassed last year’s numbers. What’s different this time? How to choose a better and more affordable plan?

Guest: Nancy Gómez, Organizing Director, Health Access, Los Angeles, CA.


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