
After Texas passed a controversial law that further criminalizes abortions, advocates for Latinas say the law will limit access to vital preventive health services like Pap smear and breast cancer exams for 2.5 million Latinas, who are among the least likely to be insured. Meantime, in California, Bakersfield’s city council is preparing to vote on a resolution banning abortions and Kings County is moving to cut all funding to the county’s only reproductive health clinic. A discussion on this issue is aired live on KIQI in San Francisco and KATD in Sacramento, CA.

Guests: Lillian Ortiz, Member, Board of Directors, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, Houston, TX, http://www.prochoicetexas.org; Lupe Rodríguez, Director of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, San Jose, CA, http://www.plannedparenthood.org/mar-monte/.

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