Faith-Based Vaccine Resistance. Also, Three or Four Booster Shots, Long-Covid and More.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24
PROGRAM # 9544 12:00 PM PT

Faith-Based Vaccine Resistance.

An Evangelical leader tackles what he calls a strong far-right anti-vaccine movement geared to spread disinformation making people believe vaccines are related to abortions and fetuses and encouraging religious objections. He answers listeners questions on vaccines and the Bible, religion freedoms, and vaccine effectiveness.

Guest: Rev. Walter Contreras, Former Vice President, NALEC- National Latino Evangelical Coalition, Montclair, CA.

Three or Four Booster Shots, Long-Covid and More. A renowned medical expert reports that the global spread of Covid is slowing down, the new cases are not as severe, and so the number of hospitalizations and deaths are down, except among the unvaccinated population. She also explains recent research findings about long Covid, and the mistery about why some continue showing signs of fatigue months after recovery. She also says while a fourth shot is being considered to boost the immune system, so far, three doses are enough to protect from serious illness.

Guest: Dr. Eneida Roldán, Chief Executive Officer of the Health Care Network; Associate Dean and Professor, College of Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL.


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