COVID Precautions During New Surge.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MAY 26
PROGRAM # 9635 12:00 PM PT

COVID Precautions During New Surge. 

National health officials are warning against Covid-19 fatigue amid a rising wave of infections and hospitalizations. In this edition, a distinguished medical expert answers common questions: Will this surge be worse during the summer? How bad are the newest strains? Are facemasks still effective? Do we need a second booster shot? Who can get it? What’s the latest about the vaccine for children between 6 months to 4 years?

Guest: Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Medical Director for Health and Wellness, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles, CA.

Youth Mental Health Help. As youth mental health disorders worsen durting the pandemic, local public health officials step up efforts to reach out to children and youth in need. A psychologist talks about how to identify signs of depression, anxiety and stress in young people, how to take care of mental health as we recover from the pandemic, and where to find resources to deal with mental health crisis for those impacted by the stress and isolation of the pandemic.

Guest:  Dr. Lorraine Viade, Clinical Psychologist, Los Angeles County Mental Health Department, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: via Unspalsh

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