COVID Vaccine Plan.


PROGRAM # 9152 12:00 PM PST

COVID Vaccine Plan.

Amid a widespread shortage of vaccines around the country, California has developed a Covid mass vaccination plan in several phases, targeting the most vulnerable populations first and then expanding to others. And thanks to a partnership between counties, community-based organizations and farmers, health workers are already reaching out to farm workers in the fields through mobile clinics. Experts talk about the latest news from scientists on the pandemic, the different plans to distribute the vaccine, who is getting it, how to get it, and how it’s administered. They also answer listener questions about the vaccine‘s secondary effects and risks, as well as how to stop the spread of the virus in the workplace.

Guests: Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Medical Director of Health and Wellness Education, AltaMed Health Services, Los Angeles, CA; Luz Gallegos, Executive Director, TODEC Legal Center, Perris, CA; Heidi de Marco, Reporter, Kaiser Health News, Los Angeles, CA.


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