Senate Health Care Bill in Trouble.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 6
PROGRAM # 8104 12:00 PM PT

Senate Health Care Bill in Trouble.

A week after delaying a vote in the Senate on the Republicans’ bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, Senate leaders are still struggling to get a majority even after promising to spend funds in projects that benefit the dissidents’ states. Latino leaders are worried about the millions of families who would be left uninsured or without services due to the large cuts to Medicaid and community health centers, as well as the rise in health care costs for many. This edition includes comments on the decision of the leader of California’s state Assembly to put on hold a “single payer” health care bill known as Healthy California Act.

Guests: Lia Parada, Director, Government Affairs, Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C.,; Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Director, Health Equity, Families USA, Washington, D.C.,; Mari Lopez, organizer, Healthy California campaign, California Nurses Association, Los Angeles, CA


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