Court Asked to Kill Obamacare. New Ballot Measures. Clash on Vote by Mail.

Wednesday_673x324(1)WEDNESDAY, JULY 1
PROGRAM # 8931 12:00 PM PT

Court Asked to Kill Obamacare.

The Trump administration asked the US Supreme Court to invalidate Obamacare, arguing that “ACA cannot survive because the law’s individual mandate is no longer in place. This move would end health insurance for millions at a time when hundreds of thousands are battling Covid-19.

New Ballot Measures. In California, after action from the state legislature, two key measures will be on the state ballot in November: constitutional amendment ACA 5 would repeal California’s 24-year ban on affirmative action in public contracting, public employment and public education, and ACA 6, which would allow people on parole for felony convictions to vote in California after the have completed their state or federal prison terms.

Clash on Vote by Mail. The US Supreme Court denied a request to expand access to vote-by-mail in Texas to ensure all eligible voters would be able to vote in November during the pandemic. Experts comment on this and other election-related news, including California’s new law to mail a ballot to every active voter in the state.


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