New Push for Universal Health Care.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 29
PROGRAM # 8296 12:00 PM PT

New Push for Universal Health Care.

A coalition of community groups and leading legislators announced a new push for universal health care in California and lawmakers are crafting a package of twenty bills. Meantime, the legislature has not moved forward on pending proposals to overhaul the health care system through a “single payer” plan. Analysts comment on these developments, and on the upsurge of support among Democrats in the US Congress for a “Medicare for All” bill. The also comment on the new idea of “Medicare Extra for All.”

Guests: State Sen. Dr. Ed Hernández, D-West Covina, Sacramento, CA; Nancy Gómez, Senior Consumer Advocate/Organizer, Health Access, Los Angeles, CA; Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Director of Health Equity, Families USA, Washington, DC


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