California’s New Protections for Young Immigrants. Also, Colorado Plans Public Health Care Option.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31
PROGRAM # 8728 12:00 PM PT

California’s New Protections for Young Immigrants.

California’s Medicaid program will now cover young undocumented adults, first state in the nation to extend health care coverage to that population. The law will go into effect on 2020. Another new state law will give tax credits for middle-class consumers who buy health insurance through Covered California. A lawmaker comments on these news and on a new law providing school support for migrant children and others extending protections to young immigrants.

Guest: Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arambula, D-23, Sacramento, CA

Colorado Plans Public Health Care Option. Colorado is in the final steps of a plan for a public health insurance option, the second state to do so. Under this model, health insurance companies would offer the “state option” plan to consumers. Monthly insurance premiums and prescription drugs would be cheaper, proponents say. Hospital chains warn the plan will bring uncertainty and less services for patients. The plan will be discussed by the state legislature in two weeks.

Guest: Victoria Gómez Betancourt, Director of Grants and Evaluation, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR), Denver, CO


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