Many Forgo Doctor’s Visits.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3.
PROGRAM # 7535 12:00 PM PT

Many Forgo Doctor’s Visits.

More than one in four adults who bought health insurance last year skipped needed medical care because they couldn’t afford it. The newly insured prefer to skip medical tests, treatments and doctor visits because deductibles and co-pays are often very high. A leading health policy analyst comments on this study. She also comments on the passing by the California Senate of SB4 “Health for All,” a vote announced as “the first time any legislative body in the U.S. approves a measure to expand access to health care for their undocumented population.”

Guests: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, Director of Health Equity, Families USA, Washington, DC,; (audio cut) Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-LA, Author of SB4, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: 401(K) 2012/Flickr

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