Dying in Times of Pandemic.



PROGRAM # 9427 12:00 PM PDT

Dying in Times of Pandemic.

The current Covid-19 pandemic has been marked by the death of hundreds of thousands in the US. The sudden departure of loved ones has raised awareness about the need to plan for the end of life, amid fears about dying alone, in the hospital, isolated from family. In these difficult times, there is also renewed conversations about palliative care for those who want to reduce suffering in the last days of life and about the option of medical aid in dying. An advocate for end-of-life services shares tips for a more compassionate death in the era of COVID-19 and news about states with end of life option laws for terminally ill adults. This program is in coincidence with the traditional Dia de los Muertos, the holiday to remember the dead. Program hosts share and encourage listeners to share Day of the Dead satirical verses known as “calaveras.”

Guest: Maria Otero, National Latino Engagement Coordinator, Compassion and Choices Action Network, Albuquerque, NM.

Radio Bilingue Reporter Wins Top Journalism Award.

News correspondent Mariana Pineda was distinguished with a top national award from her Latino journalist peers. The National Association of Hispanic Journalists recognized her this weekend for her story on the suspicious silence involving the disappearance of Latina soldier Vanessa Guillen from a military base in Texas. The reporter reflects on her recognized work.

Guest: Mariana Pineda, Award-Winning Reporter, Houston, TX.

Photo: centerforhealthjournalism.org

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