Millions Retain Health Insurance. Also, The Abortion Case of Lizelle Herrera.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13
PROGRAM # 9591 12:00 PM PT

Millions Could Lose Health Insurance.

The Biden administration extended through July the public health emergency due to the Covid-19 new hike. Millions of people who were at risk of losing their Medicaid benefits, including millions of children, will be able to continue receiving Medicaid coverage. What are state agencies doing to prepare for the end of this federal mandate? What can people at risk do to prepare for the transition?

Guest: Mayra E. Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Los Angeles, CA

The Abortion Case of Lizelle Herrera. A Texas woman was charged with murder for an abortion and, after a public outcry, the charges were dropped. How does the new anti-abortion law in Texas apply in this case? When can anybody face prosecution? What are the takeaways of the case?

Guest: Alejandra Soto, Director, Latino Media & Communications, Planned Parenthood, New York, NY.

Photo: CDC via Unspalsh

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