Time for Universal Health in California? Also, Tillerson and Kelly in Mexico.

Thursday 2_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23
PROGRAM # 8004 12:00 PM PT

Time for Universal Health in California?

Lawmakers in California are introducing a bill to create a single-payer health care system to ensure coverage for every Californian. The imminent repeal in Washington of the Affordable Care Act, action where the state has the most to lose, spurred legislators to come up with plans for the Healthy California Act. The co-author discusses details of the universal-care bill.

Guest: State Sen. Ricardo Lara, Democrat – Bell Gardens, Los Angeles, CA.

Tillerson and Kelly in Mexico. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly met in Mexico with President Peña Nieto and cabinet officials after the US administration released plans that pave the way for mass deportations and a border wall, making relations between US and Mexico sink to its lowest point in decades. Kelly denied there will be mass deportations and the use of military troops for immigrant roundups.

Guests: (audio recordings) Luis Videgaray, Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations, Mexico City; John Kelly, US Secretary of Homeland Security, Mexico City.

Photo: hcao.org

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