Medicare, Medicaid at 50.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 3.
PROGRAM # 7578 12:00 PM PT

Medicare, Medicaid at 50.

50 years ago last week, President Johnson signed into law landmark legislation that created Medicare for seniors and Medicaid for the poor, the U.S. core public health insurance and anti-poverty programs. While the programs are very popular with the people, they are also the focus of acrimonious debate in Washington among politicians who blame the system for its rising cost. Should the programs be curtailed or expanded and improved? What are the parallels and lessons with the current debate on ACA?

Guests: Dr. Jane Delgado, National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Washington, DC; Carolina Fortin-García, Spokesperson, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Washington, DC; Rep. Raul Ruiz, U.S. Congress, Palm Desert, CA

Photo: The White House Blog

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