Medicare for All. Also, Health Care for All in California.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 14
PROGRAM # 8563 12:00 PM PT

Medicare for All.

In response to the rising costs of health care, progressive House Democrats introduced a Medicare for All bill, a plan to provide health coverage for all in the US. The House plan, co-sponsored by more than 100 congressmembers, would allow people to move from the current private-insurance-driven health care system to a universal single-payer system. The first hearings are being held this month. A top proponent explains the plan.

Guest: Congressman Jesus “Chuy” García, D-Illinois, US House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

Health Care for All in California. A broad coalition is renewing a push on California’s legislature to pass a package of laws to expand health coverage for all. The newly-introduced bills seek to extend Medi-Cal to the undocumented, increase subsidies to make health insurance plans more affordable, and reduce the price of insurance premiums and deductibles, and prescription drugs. This is an interview with a leading state legislator.

Guest: Sen. María Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, California State Senate, Los Angeles, CA.


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