Fighting Big Pharma’s Inflated Drug Prices. Also, Alabama’s Controversial Abortion Ban.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 20
PROGRAM # 8610 12:00 PM PT

Fighting Big Pharma’s Inflated Drug Prices.

Calling Big Pharma companies “the largest private sector corporate cartel in history,” 44 US states took the industry to court claiming there is collusion to fix hundreds of generic drug prices. On other news, California Gov. Newsom kicked off this week his “California for All” health care tour to rally support for, among other measures, a plan to reduce the skyrocketing prescription drug prices. Guest commentators discuss these and other news.

Guests: Miguel Márquez, Chief Operating Officer, Santa Clara County, San Jose, CA; Jesse Melgar, Deputy Director of Media and Public Affairs, Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, Sacramento, CA

Alabama’s Controversial Abortion Ban. Alabama’s Republican governor a ban to almost all abortions and punishes doctors who perform abortions with up to 99 years in prison. This is considered the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the nation, and while it’s expected to be blocked by judges, right-wing activists hope the case will eventually be heard by the conservative Supreme Court. An analyst says this controversial law is already having a chilling effect among Latinas in the state.

Guest: Cynthia Romero, Senior Director of Public Affairs and Communications, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Washington, D.C.


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