Latinos and the Senate’s Health Bill.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 26
PROGRAM # 8096 12:00 PM PST.

Latinos and the Senate’s Health Bill.

The just-released Senate Republicans’ health care bill, designed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, proposes deeper cuts to Medicaid and tax cuts for the rich, as well as the end of the individual mandate and some subsidies for those who buy insurance. The Congressional Budget Office is reviewing the impact of the new bill on costs and insurance coverage. Facing united opposition from Democrats, and some Republicans, leaders are struggling to get the votes to pass it. What’s in the health care bill? What would be its impact on Latinos? What about the impact on children?

Guests: Rep. Raúl Ruiz, D-CA, Coachella, CA,; Dr. Fernando Stein, President, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Boston/Houston, TX,; Nancy Gómez, Organizing Director, Health Access, Los Angeles, CA,


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