Latinos Face Rising Alzheimer’s Risk. Also, Latinos Live Longer: Why?

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12
PROGRAM # 7901 12:00 PM PT

Latinos Face Rising Alzheimer’s Risk.

In a first of its kind study, researchers warn that the numbers of Latinos living with Alzheimer’s disease could grow exponentially in the next decades and families are largely unprepared to deal with the skyrocketing costs. They call for investing more in medical research, which could highly benefit Latinos, who although are most at risk, are least likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Guest: Dr. Maria Aranda, Professor, School of Social Work, Chair, Human Behavior and Social Environment, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

Latinos Live Longer: Why? A new study finds that despite having higher rates of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases, Latinos live longer than non-Latino Whites. What explains Latinos’ slower aging rate? An advocate comments on this paradox and reveals some secrets.

Guest: Dr. Yanira Cruz, President and CEO, National Hispanic Council on Aging, Washington, D.C.


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