The First Shots for Children. Also, Dealing with Social Anxiety.

Monday_673x324 (1)MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9434 12:00 PM PDT

The First Shots for Children.

The first Covid vaccines for children 5 to 11 are here after being recommended by the CDC and after receiving emergency use authorization by the FDA. An expert in public health talks about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine for kids, and what reluctant parents should know. She also gives tips to listeners on how to carry proof of vaccination. She also comments on the US vaccine mandates for employees of big companies by Jan 4 and the questions surrounding the tests for those who choose not to get the shot. 

Guest: Dr. Alicia Fernández, Professor, Researcher and Physician, University of California, San Francisco.

Dealing with Social Anxiety. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency health measures required staying home and limiting social interaction in order to fight against the spread of the virus. Now, as the spread of the infection is under better control and restrictions ease across the country, many people are experiencing the joy of reconnecting with family and friends while at the same time many unexpectedly are also experiencing stress and anxiety about returning to social situations. When is anxiety a disorder? What to do about it? 

Guest: Dr. Anna Solt, Specialist in Psychiatry with a Subspecialty in Liaison Psychiatry, Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles, CA


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