UN on Drugs: Prohibitionists vs. Reformists.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 28.
PROGRAM # 7771 12:00 PM PT

UN on Drugs: Prohibitionists vs. Reformists.

The United Nations held a special session on drugs, called for Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala. During the four-day session, world leaders were clearly divided. While most countries support the current international drug war, and some even push for the death penalty of those convicted of drug crimes, this time more leaders are urging for drug policy reform and more tolerant laws, including decriminalizing or legalizing drugs.

Guests: Laura Carlsen, Director, Americas Program, Center for International Policy, Mexico City; Juan Cartagena, Executive Director, PRLDF, New York, NY; Audio Segments from Speeches by Lorena Cruz, Mexico’s National Women’s Institute, and Yesid Reyes, Colombia’s Minister of Justice, United Nations, New York, NY.

Photo: unodc.org

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