The Opioid Crisis.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JULY 21
PROGRAM # 9691 12:00 PM PT

The Opioid Crisis.

Fueled by the powerful drug fentanyl, the opioid epidemic is getting worse, hitting every state in the US. Overdose deaths are at a record high. What’s driving this crisis? Who is the hardest hit? Who is receiving the benefit of life-saving care? Experts examine the crisis in the US Northwest.

Guests: Dr. Edward Bilsky, Provost, Chief Academic Officer and Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences, Yakima, WA: LaDon Linde, County Commissioner, Yakima County; Dorelis Zapien Uribe, Coordinator, Opioids Project; Martin Yanez, Coordinator, Consorcio del Proyecto de Prevención de los opioides, Granger, WA.

Photo: freestocks via Unsplash

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