The Opioid Crisis.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, JULY 16
PROGRAM # 8947 12:00 PM PT

The Opioid Crisis.

The crisis of opioid, heroin, and fentanyl has been ravaging small towns in Washington State. There is a devastating and silent epidemic of drug overdose deaths. What are the hidden consequences of the opioid epidemic on the North West’s health system and rural communities? Public health leaders who are on the frontlines of the battle against the scourge of opioid abuse join this conversation from the studios of Radio Cadena in Granger, WA. A survivor gives her testimony about overcoming the grip of the addiction and health care experts discuss the latest treatments available.

Guests: Dr. Jacobo Rivero, Emergency Physician, Prosser Memorial Hospital, Prosser, WA; Brady Moss, Registered Nurse, Yakima Neighborhood Health Services, Yakima, WA; Martin Yañez, Opioid Program Manager, Granger, WA; Aracely García, Opioid Program Worker, Granger, WA; “Angélica,” Opioid Addiction Recovered Patient, Sunnyside, WA.


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