Justice “Tino” Cuéllar. Also, Senate Health Care Bill Unveiled.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 22
PROGRAM # 8094 12:00 PM PT

Justice “Tino” Cuéllar.

A conversation with justice Mariano-Florentino “Tino” Cuéllar about his journey from Mexico-born immigrant kid to renowned legal scholar to presidential adviser to justice of California’s Supreme Court. Cuéllar co-chaired President Obama’s transition team on immigration and was once mentioned as a potential nominee to the US Supreme Court. He also comments about a Language Access Plan he is spearheading to open the courts to immigrants who struggle to speak English.

Guest: Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Justice, Supreme Court of California, Sacramento, CA.

Senate Health Care Bill Unveiled. Senate Republican leaders finally unveil their health care bill after weeks of secret works. Democrat leaders condemn the deep cuts to Medicaid and the transfer of money to the rich via tax cuts. This is a brief report.

Guests: (audio cuts) Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republican-KY, Senate Majority Leader, Washington, DC; Sen. Charles Schumer, Democrat-NY, Senate Minority Leader, Washington, DC.

Photo: Embajada Estados Unidos en México/Facebook

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One Response to Justice “Tino” Cuéllar. Also, Senate Health Care Bill Unveiled.

  1. Andi Liebenbaum said: Esta entrevista fue tan amplia en informacion. Lo que me dio tan orgullo fue la cantidad de gente que llamaba al programa nada mas para tocar - en una manera - Juez Cuellar, felicitarle, y darle gracias. Le he conocido por parte de mi trabajo, y les juro que es un ejemplo de sensibilidad y compasion que se presente en el programa. --A

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