Medicaid Initiatives.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4
PROGRAM # 8439 12:00 PM PT

Medicaid Initiatives.

Initiatives to fully expand Medicaid to cover the uninsured working poor in rural communities will be in the November ballot in Nebraska, Idaho and Utah, conservative states where right-wing politicians have resisted such expansion. As Election Day approaches, the debate is heating up. These and other election stories are part of the conversation in this segment of “Hacia el Voto 2018.”

Guests: David Ayón, Senior Advisor & Strategist, Latino Decision, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA; Leonardo Cuello, Director of Health Policy, National Health Law Program, Washington, D.C.; Dakar Lanzino, Political Strategist and Spokesperson, Campaign to Save Dogs, Washington, D.C.


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