Ramping Up Testing?

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MAY 18
PROGRAM # 8887 12:00 PM PT

Ramping Up Testing?

Latinos are more vulnerable to coronavirus and are been hit at alarming rates in states like Oregon, Washington and New York. Governments in those states are stepping up emergency measures focusing on Latinos, including additional testing, but are they enough? News reporters bring the latest news. They also give an update on the most recent Covid-19 outbreaks in meatpacking plants around the country.

Guests: Marco Vinicio González, Correspondent, New York, NY; Francisco Ríos, News Director, KDNA, Granger, GA; Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, Radio Poder, Salem, OR; Gerardo Guzmán, News director, Hispanic News Service, Atlanta, GA.

Photo: kut.org

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