Rise in Suicides.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 21
PROGRAM # 9567 12:00 PM PT

Rise in Suicides.

While the US suicide rates are falling, more and more Latino men are dying by suicide. Also, more children are feeling thoughts of suicide due to instances of family instability such as divorce, parent depression, substance abuse or school disruption, stressors that have worsened during the pandemic. What are the risks of suicide among younger children and teens? How to detect signs of mental distress? How to support kids going through mental health challenges? How to self-care? Also, a mental healthcare official talks about what’s been done at the local level to help students who have returned to in-person learning and who struggle with the mental distress exacerbated by the pandemic.

Guests: Dr. Lorraine Viade, Clinical Psychologist, Los Angeles County Mental Health Department, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities, UC Davis, Davis, CA.

Photo: Claudia Wolff via Unsplah

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